Have you ever imagined how it would be if your sunglasses functioned as credit cards? Yes, if it happened so, there would probably be no need of carrying your wallet all the way with you. And now, Visa has declared that it will start a new pilot program of their contactless payment by sunglasses, WaveShades. Thus, with such a facility, the sunglasses can even protect your eyes and when needed can be used to make cashless payments.
The pilot program will be initiated at the World Surf League’s 2017 Roxy and Quiksilver Pro Gold Coast contest, where Visa is one of the sponsors. The glasses looks like any ordinary pair of shades, the only exception to be the add-on contactless card that makes it possible to utilize the sunglasses as a means of contactless payment approach.
The WaveShades are entrenched with payWave technology owing to which they function in a similar way as your phone may when addressed to a contactless payment system. Taking into consideration the bulky profile of sunglasses, there are fewer chances for anyone to lose them, and also the glasses are likely to be on the face of an individual for most of the time during the day. It’s an interesting idea, and in order to grab the attention of the people around, Visa just gave away selected pairs of sunglasses that were pre-loaded with $50 that could be spent at the festival.
This is quite similar to the concept of the Microsoft Band 2 that involves the capability of buying Starbucks drinks directly via the wearable device when the wearer is out on a run. This can be a good option of carrying your money safely with you in high-theft surroundings. But, the question here is, what if someone steals these glasses, how would you prevent them from spending your money?