President Donald Trump put light on the 68 pages National Security Strategy document last Tuesday, in which he unfolded quite a few points. He explained India as the Leading Global Power, which will further contribute to the strategic partnership between India and the USA. It will also enhance the leadership role in preserving the security in the Indo-Pacific region.
Apart from extending a friendly hand to India, he had conveyed a strong message to Pakistan while unveiling America’s new National Security Strategy regarding the terrorist groups operating from there. He further stated that a huge financial assistance is offered every year to Pakistan, $33 billion dollars to be precise since the terrorist attacks of 9/11, in exchange for which he expects cooperation from the country.
He further stated that India is emerging as a leading global power with a stronger strategic and defense partner, which is being welcomed with open arms. To complement this immense growth, America will further accentuate the quadrilateral cooperation between India, Australia, and Japan.
This document explained about the Indo-US defense relationship regarding the Indo-Pacific region, in which India has been given a prominent role in the Central and South Asia.
He also explained that China’s One Belt One Road or OBOR and China-Pakistan Economic Corridor or CPEC will contribute to the increasing the domination of the South Asian countries.
The US has emphasized upon the cross-border terrorist threats that increase the nuclear tension.
After the document was published, the Indian spokesperson of Ministry of External Affairs explained that the common interest of the Indian and US democracies to curb the elevating terrorism is commendable. This will highly accentuate the global peace and security and will also promote the Indo-Pacific peace, prosperity, and stability that will lead to the economic consistency of both the democratic countries.