After December 31, 2017, WhatsApp, the instant messaging service, will be pulling off support for a range of platforms. It will be pulling support for BlackBerry 10, Windows Phone 8.0, BlackBerry OS, and older platforms, as per the blog post of the company. The company says users on these specific platforms will not be capable of creating new accounts or re-verifying the prevailing accounts after the support is pulled off.
Earlier, WhatsApp had declared it will discontinue supporting several of these older platforms. However, ending support doesn’t mean the user will fail to access their WhatsApp account. The company says users can carry one to use the application on their device, but should not anticipate any new features or future safety updates.
Once 2018 begin, as Windows 8 will get dismissed, WhatsApp will carry on supporting Windows 8.1 version and beyond devices, even if Microsoft itself has disclosed that Windows Mobile is dead. In case of BlackBerry, the firm has itself said it will no longer be developing or rolling out new smartphones and it has abandoned the BlackBerry OS and BlackBerry 10. Rather, now new BlackBerry-branded phones are fabricated by China-based TCL and supported by Android OS.
The company said, “We will no longer dynamically advance for these platforms, few features might discontinue working at any time. The sorts of abilities we require to develop our app’s features are not provided by these platforms. If one is using any of these impacted mobile devices, we suggest to upgrade to a new version of OS or to a new Android operating on OS 4.0+, Windows Phone functioning on 8.1+ or iPhone operating on iOS 7+, so that one can carry on using WhatsApp.”
The company said that it will pull off support after December 2018 for the Nokia S40. In addition, the application will pull off support after February 1, 2020, for Android OS version 2.3.7 and previous ones.