Keep Your Personal Info Safe On This Genealogy Website

Are you a member of Have you even heard about it? The is a genealogy website through which you can search for people by just entering the name and you get a whole list of details, including their age, birth date, home address, and links to family members, thus leading access to their personal information too. The website is accessed freely by all. But recently, it has come up as a shock that all your personal information is posted on the internet which can be seen by anyone.

However, organizations such as Enough is Enough, an online group advising for the safety of law enforcement, have posted warnings indicating the harm that can be caused by the availability of anyone’s address or any other details.

But, you can heave a sigh of relief as you can opt out of the service by taking a few steps as follows.

  • Search for your name.
  • Click “Privacy,” an option at the bottom of the page.
  • Then you can find “Opt out here” option.
  • Click the “Begin opt out procedure.”
  • Again type your name and again click on your listing.
  • Select the red button prompting “Opt out of this record.”

After going through the above-mentioned instructions, you may come up to a page saying that it can take almost 48 hours to discard your listing as the site is already flooded with many opt-out requests.

Keep your personal information safe so that no one can misuse it. Feel free to share your thoughts.

About rutuja 16 Articles
Rutuja Bhegade has started her career as Content Writer since 1 year. She is post graduated in Biotechnology from Modern College, Shivajinagar.She loves reading books, listening to music, exploring new places, and playing badminton and volleyball. She can be reached at Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | [email protected]