The brain child behind notable humor comedy “Job Simulator” of VR, Owlchemy Labs, has become an element of Google, aiming to carry on creating stuffs that are “highly polished, absurd, and filled to the edge with terrible jokes & puns.”
The team at Owlchemy Labs at the Texas headquarter in Austin completed “Smuggle Trick”, its name-developing driving game, “Snuggle Truck”, a plushy-themed analogue, and “Jack Lumber”, tree-chopping action game, for PC and mobile.
It made 4 games in the franchise of base-jumping; 2 of which have been leaning towards experiences of virtual reality (one being Oculus Rift of Facebook for high-powered device, the other being Cardboard standard for Android of Google); and “Dyscourse”, the conversation-driven survival riff, before connecting into VR via “Job Simulator” (Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, PlayStation VR); and then “Rick & Morty Virtual Rick-ality” licensed by Adult Swim.
“‘Job Simulator’ was our immediate success that took many years in creating. We shoved in VR so hard and so early,” clarified Devin Reimer and Alex Schwartz, Co-founders, Owlchemy, who, mutually with their group wasted over a year imagining what was feasible with a tracked hands and head “
“Jointly with Google, with which we distribute an unbelievable overlap in idea, we are free to follow raw sprint and creation towards appealing issues in this early phase of VR,” their firm declaration concluded. “We can’t wait to show you what we are making up further.”
Google made clear the acquirement when speaking of its own VR portfolio, which comprise of Street View, video platform YouTube, Google Earth VR, Photos on Daydream, and painting app Tilt Brush.
“Jointly we will be operating to make immersive, engaging games and developing novel interaction prototypes across various diverse platforms to carry on bringing of the most excellent experiences of VR to life,” claimed Relja Markovic, AR and VR Director of Engineering, Google.
In a nutshell, the joint venture of Google and Owlchemy is surely going to boost the global virtual reality and augmented reality market. We might be able to witness some new inventions in this field since these two companies will be working together for the same purpose.